customer journey
Open Source Last Mile Logistics
Direct end-customer commerce involves a direct delivery to the end-customer and this puts a heavy pressure on logistics.
returns management
Who to give responsibility for the Return Policy?
It is an interesting question who in the organization should hold the responsibility for the return policy.
returns management
How sustainable are product returns?
There has been a lot of debate about the fact that product returns are not sustainable. Let’s have a closer look at returns and sustainability.
returns management
How Technology facilitates the extended Customer Journey
How Technology facilitates the extended Customer Journey
returns management
The Customer Journey of Dexter Bawbund
Product returns occur in different phases while the customer is using your products.
returns management
Benefit from another customer interaction
Benefit from another customer interaction
returns management
Set the right priorities when you start improving your returns process
Set the right priorities when you start improving your returns process