The 12return program for co-creating success in your returns process.
Transforming your reverse supply chain starts with the WHY question to successfully complete the HOW and WHAT. The 12return Program is designed to make your transformation journey a success.
Co-creating success in four stages
The 12return program guides your company through all stages of the digital transformation journey to improve returns.
Customer Success

The digital transformation of your reverse supply chain needs to be aligned with your strategic direction and with other projects and initiatives in your company. Understanding the WHY, HOW, and WHAT of returns management is important at the start of the digital transformation journey. Together we perform an assessment to evaluate your organizational readiness and critical success factors.

Based on the outcome of the assessment, we jointly define the Minimal Viable Product for initial implementation, testing, and evaluation. The MVP will be based on the principles of the “Connected Returns Process” as supported by the 12return platform. Together we define the transformation journey that covers 3 iteration phases: MVP, beyond MVP, and North Star.

The digital transformation of your reverse supply chain is all about technology, processes, and people. The balance in this magic triangle is of utmost importance to achieve success as defined in your business case. Our people have transformed and managed returns management processes many times. We are focused on co-create success in your reverse supply chain.

Customer Success
Your reverse supply chain needs to adapt to ongoing changes in your business. No matter why or how your business changes, the technology, processes, and people that operate your returns process need to change with it. Our customer success program has been designed to guide your teams to evaluate, improve, and change your reverse supply chain on an ongoing basis.